What we do

How To Register;

A trainee who is interested in undergoing this training, buys a registration form for the caregiver training school for the sum of N2, 000 and is issued a receipt by the Accountant. After filling the form, the trainee pays the training fee of N190,000 to N300,000 for a duration of 2 – 6 months into the foundation’s Zenith Bank account  and returns the completed form and bank payment advise to Accountant who acknowledges payment and then passes on the documents to the MD/CEO for approval to feed in the trainee’s  bio data and information into the RedRock portal / dashboard. On successful upload of the trainee’s bio data and information RedRock Frontline Training sends an email to the trainee containing log in details which will be used to access the portal and as soon as the trainee logs in, the GHF information system is automatically updated (by default).

How we Can Help you

What we Do

There are clients who have relations that need care giving to manage ailments that they do have. Such clients will come to Gracious Helper Foundation to indicate interest in the care giving services rendered by the Foundation. The client fills a personal information form that contains the necessary information required by the foundation including location, next of kin etc. Thereafter a team comprising nurses and staff of the administration department makes a physical visit to the patient to ascertain the condition of the patient  and what ailment he or she is suffering from and then determines the particular caregiver to send to give care to the patient. 


On the other hand the selected caregiver fills a personal information form that contains information requirements about the caregiver (for example, training and qualification, next of kin etc). On return from the physical visit, a patient assessment report is prepared by the care giver showing details of the findings relating to the health condition of the patient, ailment being suffered and recommended courses of action for treatment. The report is jointly signed by the members of the visitation team and the report is sent to MD/CEO for approval and authorization of the particular services to be rendered and at what price/ cost using the price list contained in the website www.gracioushelpers.org  as a guide.


The client makes payment to zenith bank and when the Accountant acknowledges the payment a receipt is issued to the client and the caregiver starts work. At month end the foundation pays the caregiver for services rendered. Once or twice a week the foundation sends staff on field visit to supervise and monitor the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services rendered to the patient as well as the overall improvement of the patient’s wellbeing.